Curso 8º A ...- Mercedes Marin del Solar
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Mensaje  Itachi Sáb Mar 08, 2008 12:47 am

Lo que hemos pasado hasta ahora:

Completar un texto:


- Today is tuesday and we are at school. This is our first day. This year we are
in 8º grade A. Now we are having English class. We like this class but sometimes we don't understand very well. Our year teacher is Mr.Jose. He isour Math Teacher. During this year we have to study a lot if we want to apply to the Secondary schools. Well that is all thanks.

lo subrallado sonlas palabras q se tenian q completar cat

Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 07/03/2008

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Mensaje  Itachi Jue Mar 13, 2008 12:25 am


Verb " To Be"
Personal Pronouns| Verb to be |
I | Am |
(tu)You | Are |
He - she - it | Is |
We |--| |
(ustedes)You |--|---> Are |
They |--| |

affirmative: You are a doctor
negative : You aren't a doctor
interrogative: Are you a doctor?
answer: Yes, I am
answer: No, I'm not

Short form

am ---> 'm
is ---> 's
are ---> 're

am not ---> 'm not
is not ---> isn't
are not ---> aren't
Usage of "verb to be"

1-. To express who I am : I am carlos
2-. To express Nacionality and countries: He is Chilean
He is from Chile
3-. To express age: You are 13 years old
4-. To express occupation: Maria is a dentist
5-. To express marital status: I am single (soltero)
6-. To express the time: What time is it?
It's 11 o'clock
7-. To express the weather: It's sunny
It's hot
8-. To express the idea of being a place: We are in the classroom
Simple Present

*To express habits and daily routine

Example: I go to school in the morning

*To express events and facts

Example: I live in Santiago.

To play

Aff: I play basketball | aff: She plays basketball

Neg: I don't play basketball | neg: She doesn't basketball

Int: Do you play basketball | int: Does she play basketball

eso fue todoooooooooooooo cat cat cat

Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 07/03/2008

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Mensaje  Itachi Miér Jun 25, 2008 1:49 am

bueno aki les dejo un repaso de ingles:

Past Simple

El Past simple se divide en Regular verbs e Irregular verbs
Regular verbs

Todos los verbos regulares , deben terminar en "ed", para esto debemos seguir algunas reglas:

- verbos terminados en e, debemos agregar solamente la D
Ej: Decide -------> decided
- Verbos comunes, debemos agregar la "ed"
ej: Jump ----> Jumped
- Verbos terminados en Y , debemos ver si antes de la Y hay una consonante con una vocal, echo esto agregamos "ied"
Ej: Study -------> studied

Aff: I watched Tv

Neg: I didn't watch Tv

Int : Did I watch Tv?
Yes, I did
No, I didn't
Irregular verbs

Los verbos Irregulares son aquellos verbos ke tieenen una trasformacion diferente del "ed"

Lista de verbos ke van a entrar a en la prueba[ Irregulares]

go ---------> went
give -------->Gave
know -------->Knew
leave -------->Left
make -------->Made
say ---------> Said
read --------->Read
be --------> Was/Were
have --------> Had
blow --------> Blew
ride --------> Rode
wake -------> Woke
speak -------> Spoke
drink -------> Drank
begin -------> Began
bring ------> Brought
buy --------->Bought
see ---------> Saw
do ---------> Did
think --------> Thougth
swim --------> Swam
write --------> Wrote
take --------> Took
win ---------> Won
come -------> Came
eat --------> Ate
find -------> Found
get ---------> Got

Aff: I Found my shirt

Neg: I didn't find my shirt

Int: Did i find my shirt?
Yes, I did
No, I didn't

Hay ke tener kuidado con las preguntas como What?, Where?, When?
ya ke estas preguntan cosas especificas, por lo tanto hay ke responder completo

Ej: Where did he live? When did she make her lunch?
He lived in ______. She made her launch _________.
What did he eat
He ate _________.

Cantidad de envíos : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 07/03/2008

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